How to find us
Lab internal
Research Group Hiltbrunner
Light Perception and Signalling in Plants
Institute of Biology II
Department of Molecular Plant Physiology
Faculty of Biology
University of Freiburg
University of Freiburg
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Course overview - Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Semester dates and teaching periods
Web-to-Print - Unidruckerei Freiburg
ILIAS - zentrale Lernplattorm der Universität Freiburg
Modulhandbücher Fakultät für Biologie/Module guides Faculty of Biology
MolBiol Tools
NCBI BLAST - Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
Sequence manipulation suite: Reverse translate
CBS prediction servers - predict NES, signal peptides, transit peptides, ...
NLS Mapper: Prediction of nuclear localisation signals
NLStradamus: Prediction of nuclear localisation signals
PSORT: Prediction of protein sorting signals
The Arabidopsis protein phosphorylation site database
Web-based tool for accessing the diurnal and circadian genome-wide expression results
NCBI taxonomy browser
Other Tools
Centrifuge rotor speed calculator
Lighting radiation conversion
Create weblogos online
Online file transfer
Convert docx, pptx, ... to pdf; compress pdf files
Bibliographic Databases
Web of Science
PubMed - bibliographic database
Genome/Protein Databases
Phytozome - Plant comparative genomics portal
UniProt - resource of protein sequence and functional information
TAIR - Arabidopsis genome database
Arabidopsis transcription factor database
Cosmoss - Physcomitrella patens genome/EST database
miRBase - microRNA database
1001 Genomes - Arabidopsis ecotype collection
Protein Interaction Databases
BioGRID - repository for interaction datasets
Arabidopsis interactome network map
IntAct - protein interaction database
STRING - known and predicted protein-protein interactions
Other Databases
Addgene - plasmid/vector database
Algaebase - algae information resource
Database of fluorescent dyes and applications
Database of fluorescent dyes and spectra viewer
JASPAR - database of transcription factor binding profiles
Arabidopsis, Physcomitrella
TAIR - The Arabidopsis informative resources
ABRC - about Arabidopsis
T-DNAexpress - Arabidopsis gene mapping tool
NASC - The European Arabidopsis stock centre
RIKEN bioresource center
Arabidopsis eFP browser
Arabidopsis chromosome map tool
101 ways to grow Arabidopsis
Physcobase - protocols and DNA database for Physcomitrella
Online Books/Movies/Tutorials
Plant Physiology online
iBiology - Biology lectures online
Plants in motion - time-lapse movies of plants
Nikon - microscopy tutorials
Nikon - introduction to fluorescent proteins
Olympus - introduction to fluorescent proteins
Zeiss - introduction to fluorescent proteins
Photobiological sciences online
The complete work of Charles Darwin online
The work of Alfred Russel Wallace online